Monday, March 12, 2012

Jonathan Palmer

I have an albums worth of material on my home studio console. I can hear which songs on the radio will be number one or not and i have been tested with it a number of times. I have had this ability since I was young. When I sobered up I realized that most of the music on the radio didnt touch me anymore so I set out, with some proding, to write my own songs. I have had one complaint by a fellow musician (my guitar riff was "too long") but I have also used my songs to get into 2 different bands. I have been trying to get my album recorded for years now but its either funds or time that Im lacking. I ADMIT! I HAVE NO FORMAL TRAINING!!! I cant read music (and so far I refuse to and we can talk about that later) I have passion, creativity, discipline, respect, high standards, and integrity (that last one keeps killing me) If a song sucks I can feel it. If its good (not by mtv standards but by musical and songwriting standards) it moves me. How does an artist give themself a biography? kurt cobain and billy corgan are some of the greatest artists of all time and yet they couldnt sing to save their life but THEY UNDERSTAND ART!!! I UNDERSTAND ART. its a language to me. Im not an entertainer although I am said to be entertaining. I am an artist. It took me a long time to understand that. thats why i cant succeed at anything else. an artist will never be good at a cubicle job. their mind doesnt work that way. we can force ourselves to endure but we will never thrive. i am truly in my element when i can sit down with my guitar or paintbrush and let it go. my soul is satisfied.

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